Category Archives: Worship

Rally Sunday

Sunday September 12th is Rally Sunday, the formal beginning of a new season Randolph Heights. It’s when we return to a 10:30 worship time, preceded by Sunday School for adults and children at 9:15.

One of the best aspects of this Sunday on the church calendar is that we celebrate with a potluck after worship. Those who are able bring a main dish, salad, or dessert to share with everyone; those who can’t (or just forget—as I’ve done more than once) are invited to participate by helping to eat what others have generously brought.
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We hope to see you this Sunday!

Christ is Risen Indeed!

On Easter Sunday 2010 at Randolph Heights, we took part in an old Easter tradition, the “flowering of the cross,” which dates back to at least the 6th century. On the way into worship, the After some days of doing this exercise you can also try some self help therapies like cheap viagra australia ‘stop and start’ technique and squeeze technique. Using Kamagra Jelly is the safest method as it is quality approved and checked which enables a person to simply use order 50mg viagra the product without worrying much about his health. Unlike other supplements, cialis sales australia it doesn’t take years to show the result. All these techniques prove buy viagra no prescription highly beneficial and safe when used under guidance and by following proper directions. congregation was handed cut flowers and as we sang together songs of the Resurrection, the flowers were placed on the cross. What a beautiful way to demonstrate together the new life that emerges at Easter from the darkness of Good Friday. Christ is risen indeed!