Sunday February 2, 2020 — Meeting Jesus: His Life — Toward the Troubled


Oh Satan you’re a wily one.
~ Craig Ferguson

A gulf has opened up in our culture between the visibility of evil and the intellectual resources available for coping with it… The repertoire of evil has never been richer.  Yet never have our responses been so weak. We have no language for connecting our inner lives with the horrors that pass before our eyes in the outer world…

What does it mean to say that the inventor of the concentration camp, or of the Gulag, was subject to a “disorder?”  What does it mean to call these monsters mentally disordered, and to engage in scholastic debate over whether their brand of madness vitiates their responsibility?  Why can we no longer call them evil?
~ Andrew Delbanco, The Death of Satan

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I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
Psalms 23:4

We cannot afford to trivialize evil. It hunts the vulnerable. It wants to rise within us. In this psalm David is not afraid of evil even though evil is real. He is not afraid because the LORD is with him. This assumes that David is following his Shepherd, not fighting him nor trying to deceive him. Safety in the presence of evil comes from following the Shepherd, not from dabbling in duplicity.
~ Pastor Mark J. Pearson

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