Join us for a simple Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 PM on March 6th. It will be 30-45 minutes long and appropriately thought-provoking for the the beginning of Lent…
Join us for a simple Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 PM on March 6th. It will be 30-45 minutes long and appropriately thought-provoking for the the beginning of Lent…
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~ Tim Keller
And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.
~ Luke 4:13
One simple story illustrates an example of an opportune time, “Alexander was trying to save all the pennies that he could in order to buy a baseball bat. But he had a hard struggle. One night when he was saying his prayers, his mother heard him say fervently, ‘O Lord, please help me save my money for a baseball bat. And, God, don’t let the ice cream man come down this street anymore’!”
~ Shane Idleman