Coming soon…

Basking in the afterglow of Easter’s celebration of the Resurrection, with a wonderful turnout for our tradition of flowering the cross, it’s easy to forget about upcoming events. In the coming month we have:

  • Rev. Carl Grosse with us again on Sunday the 7th to offer a sermon (Tangible Evidence) and serve communion.
  • A sermon series by Ken Highley on the Prodigal God beginning on April 14th and finishing out the month (more from Ken on this later).
  • An exciting clean-up day (woo-hoo!) on the 27th.
  • A visit to Feed My Starving Children on May 3rd with our brothers and sisters from Glorious Triumphant Church.

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And I don’t want to overlook our regularly scheduled programming on Wednesdays:

  • Our 7AM Men’s Lectionary Breakfast at the Caribou on Snelling south of Grand (not really a breakfast nor confined to the lectionary, but definitely worth it!)
  • Our 6:30PM Prayer Group
  • Rehearsals for our Bell (6:15) and Vocal (7:15) choirs

All in all, it should be a good month as we continue the season of Eastertide!

A Word from Mary E.

Lent. What is it all about anyway?  Giving up a bad habit for 40 days? A good excuse for losing weight before Spring? It is even something Presbyterians recognize? Here’s what our denominational website has to say,  “The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and self-examination in preparation for the celebration of the  resurrection of the Lord at Easter. It is a period of 40 days – like the flood of Genesis, Moses’ sojourn at Mount Sinai, Elijah’s journey to Mount Horeb, Jonah’s call to Ninevah to repent and Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness.”   Continue reading A Word from Mary E.