This Thursday, April 2nd

Scott Hagley

Topic: “Faith & Being a Good Neighbor”

This Thursday, April 2nd
from 7:00-8:30pm in the Parlor at RHPC

We often think of ‘the neighbor’ as one who lives next door, but the Holy Spirit invites us as the Church to embrace neighborliness as a way of life in the name and hope of Jesus. What does it mean for us to respond to the Spirit’s invitation and live as a good neighbor?

Scott Hagley is a PhD candidate at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul and adjunct faculty at Bethel University.

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Continue reading This Thursday, April 2nd

This Thursday, March 26th

Dr. Bill Raffield

Topic: “Faith & Work”

This Thursday, March 26th
from 7:00-8:30pm in the Parlor at RHPC

Dr. Bill Raffield is the Senior Associate Dean at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business here in Saint Paul. One of Bill’s chief interests in his career has been business ethics. We’ll explore together what Bill calls the “Sunday-Monday split” and ask what it means to live our faith out in the workplace.



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untitled1Faith as a Way of Life

Five Lenten Gatherings

Thursdays March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, and April 2nd from 7:00-8:30pm

Faith. It’s more than just a Sunday morning thing. Faith touches all the parts of our lives. In this five-week Thursday night Lenten series at Randolph Heights Presbyterian, we’ll explore that together.

Wonderful guest presenters. Desert provided. Neighbors, friends, newcomers… all are welcome to attend. More information available at our website each week. Questions? Contact Rev. Matt Robbins-Ghormley 651-698-3889 or

Note: There will not be childcare available at these final two gatherings.